Variation I: Natarajasana (Lord Shiva's pose) - preparatory Stand with the feet together and focus on a fixed point at eye level. Bend the right knee and grasp the ankle with the right hand behind the body.
Keep both knees together and maintain the balance. Slowly raise and stretch the right leg backwards, as high as possible.
Make sure the right hip does not twist and the leg is raised directly behind the body.
Reach upward and forward with the left arm, bringing the tip of the index finger and thumb of the left hand together to form gyana mudra. Focus the gaze on the left hand. This is the final position.
Hold the position for as long as possible.
Lower the left arm to the side. Lower the right leg, bringing the knees together. Release the right ankle and lower the foot to the floor. Lower the right arm to the side. Relax, then repeat with the left leg.
Other details: As for the dance form of this asana.