Natarajasana (Lord Shiva's dance) - dance form Stand upright with the feet slightly apart. Bend and raise the left knee so the thigh is horizontal, the foot pointing away from the body and slightly to the right of the right leg. Bend the right knee slightly.
Place the left arm across the body in line with the left thigh, with the palm and fingers facing down. Bend the right elbow so that the right palm faces forwards and the forearm is vertical.
The right elbow should be just behind the left wrist. Practise gyana mudra with the right hand and gaze toward the horizon.
This is the final position.
Breathing: Breathe normally throughout the practice. Duration: Up to 3 times on each side, holding each time for as long as possible.
Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance while focusing on gyana mudra.
Spiritual on ajna chakra.
Benefits: This asana balances the nervous system, develops control of the body and mental concentration, and makes the legs supple.