organ may malfunction, fail or become diseased. Regular practice of pawanmuktasana removes energy blockages from the body and prevents new ones from forming. In this way, it promotes total health, regulating and stabilising the flow of energy throughout the body.
Mind-body aspect
Most modern day diseases are psychosomatic in nature. Drug treatment of these ailments is only symptomatic and fails to touch the roots of the disease. These asanas, if done correctly, in a non-competitive and relaxed atmosphere, not only relax the muscles of the body but these relaxing impulses travel back to the brain and relax the mind. By integrating the breath synchronisation and awareness, the attentive faculty of the mind is made active and is not allowed to wander into tension and stress. The nature of these asanas is thus more mental than physical. If they are performed correctly they relax the mind, tune up the autonomic nerves, hormonal functions and the activities of internal organs. Therefore, these asanas are of great preventative and curative value.
Three groups
Pawanmuktasana is divided into three distinct groups of asanas: the anti-rheumatic group, the digestive/abdominal group and the shakti bandha or energy block group. All three groups supplement each other, stimulating and encouraging a free flow of energy throughout the body. Practitioners are advised to perfect each group before attempting the major asanas. Daily practice of pawanmuktasana parts 1, 2 and 3 over a period of months brings about a profound relaxation and toning of the entire psycho-physiological structure which is necessary for the practice of advanced techniques. Advanced yogasanas are frequently physically demanding and have a powerful effect on the body and mind. It is essential to respect this and prepare correctly.
The asanas in each group should be performed in the order given.