Pawanmuktasana Series
The pawanmuktasana series is one of the most important series of practices that has a very profound effect on the human body and mind and is thus a most useful tool for the yogic management of various disorders and maintenance of health. It is one of the special contributions of Bihar School of Yoga and the teachings of Paramahamsa Satyananda. Being the first practical series taught in hatha yoga, it is essential for laying a firm foundation in yogic life. Pawanmuktasana is valuable for understanding the meaning of asana by developing awareness of the body's movements and the subtle effects they have at the various levels of being. It is very useful as a preparatory practice as it opens up all the major joints and relaxes the muscles of the body. The series may be practised by anyone: beginner or advanced, young or elderly, and by those convalescing or with disease conditions. It should never be ignored and treated casually just because the practices are simple, gentle and comfortable.
In Sanskrit these practices are referred to as sukshma vyayama which means 'subtle exercise'. The word pawan means 'wind' or 'prana'; mukta means 'release' and asana means 'pose'. Therefore, pawanmuktasana also means a group of asanas that remove any blockages which prevent the free flow of energy in the body and mind. Sometimes, due to bad posture, disturbed bodily functions, psychological or emotional problems or an imbalanced lifestyle, the energy becomes blocked. This initially results in stiffness, muscular tension, lack of proper blood flow and minor functional defects. However, if these blockages become chronic, a limb, joint or physical