Rest the side of the right calf against the left shin.
Raise both the hands to the right as if playing a flute. The right palm should face forward and the left palm backward. The index and little fingers of the hands are straight and the middle fingers bent.
Turn the head slightly to the left and focus the eyes at a point on the floor.
Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable. Lower the arms to the sides and the raised foot to the floor.
Repeat the stance on the other side.
Breathing: Breathe normally throughout the practice. Duration: Practise up to 3 rounds on each leg, holding the final position for up to 2 minutes.
Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance while focusing on a fixed point.
Spiritual on ajna chakra.
Sequence: This asana may be practised as a preparatory pose for meditation.
Benefits: Natavarasana controls the nerves and helps develop