Stage 2: Progressively walk the feet towards the head, keeping
the legs straight, until the trunk is vertical. Applying pressure on the hands, slowly bend the legs and
raise the feet off the floor, bringing the knees to the chest. Stage 3: Slowly raise the knees until they point upward.
Maintain balance in this position for a few moments. Gradually straighten the knees until the feet point upwards in a relaxed position. In the final pose the whole body is vertical and, ideally, all the weight of the body is supported by the head. The hands should only provide balance.
Hold the final pose for as long as is comfortable. Stage 4: Return to the starting position.
Lower the body in the reverse order until the feet touch the floor. Place the hands beside the head and bend the knees to the floor.
Relax with the head on the floor for a short time. Duration: This asana is not as stable as sirshasana in the final
position and is, therefore, unsuitable to be held for long
periods of time. Other details: As for sirshasana. Practice note: Adepts may assume the vertical position directly
without bending the knees first.