Blanket: Use a folded blanket of natural material for the practices as this will act as an insulator between the body and the earth. Do not use a mattress which is spongy or filled with air as this does not give sufficient support to the spine.
Clothes: During practice it is better to wear loose, light and comfortable clothing. Before commencing, remove spectacles, wristwatches and any jewellery.
Bathing: Try to take a cold shower before starting. This will greatly improve the effect of the asanas.
Emptying the bowels: Before commencing the asana programme, the bladder and intestines should preferably be empty. If constipated, drink two or three glasses of warm, slightly salted water and practise the asanas given in the chapter on shankhaprakshalana, namely tadasana, tiryaka tadasana, kati chakrasana, tiryaka bhujangasana and udarakarshan asana. This should relieve the constipation. If not, practising pawanmuktasana part two should help. Choose one time daily to go to the toilet before doing asanas. Do not strain; try to relax the whole body. After some weeks the bowels will automatically evacuate at the set time every day. Try to avoid using laxative drugs.
Empty stomach: The stomach should be empty while doing asanas and to ensure this, they should not be practised until at least three or four hours after food. One reason why early morning practice is recommended is that the stomach is sure to be empty.
Diet: There are no special dietary rules for asana practitioners although it is better to eat natural food and in moderation. Contrary to popular belief, yoga does not say that a vegetarian diet is essential although in the higher stages of practice it is recommended. At meal times it is advised to half fill the stomach with food, one quarter with water and leave the remaining quarter empty. Eat only to satisfy hunger and not so much that a feeling of heaviness or laziness occurs. Eat to live rather than live to eat.
Foods which cause acidity or gas in the digestive system, which are heavy, oily and spicy, should be avoided, especially when asanas are practised with a spiritual aim. Specific dietary