mentally tired. It should also be practised on completion of the asana programme.
Sequence: After completing shatkarma, asana should be done, followed by pranayama, then pratyahara and dharana which lead to meditation.
Counterpose: When practising the middle and advanced group of asanas particularly, it is important that the programme is structured so that backward bends are followed by forward bends and vice versa, and that whatever is practised on one side of the body is repeated on the other side. This concept of counterpose is necessary to bring the body back to a balanced state. Specific counterposes are recommended for certain asanas described in this book. However, in some cases, when practising a particular asana for therapeutic reasons, a counterpose may not be needed.
Time of practice: Asana may be practised at any time of day except after meals. The best time, however, is the two hours before and including sunrise. This period of the day is known in Sanskrit as brahmamuhurta and is most conducive to the higher practices of yoga. At this time, the atmosphere is pure and quiet, the activities of the stomach and intestines have stopped, the mind has no deep impressions on the conscious level and it is empty of thoughts in preparation for the long day ahead. The practitioner will probably find that the muscles are stiffest early in the morning compared to the late afternoon when they become more supple, nevertheless this time is recommended for practice. In the evening the two hours around sunset is also a favourable time.
Place of practice: Practise in a well-ventilated room where it is calm and quiet. Asanas may also be practised outdoors but the surroundings should be pleasant, a beautiful garden with trees and flowers, for example. Do not practise in a strong wind, in the cold, in air that is dirty, smoky or which carries an unpleasant odour. Do not practise in the vicinity of furniture, a fire or anything that prevents free fall to the ground, especially while performing asanas such as sirshasana. Many accidents occur because people fall against an object. Do not practise under an electric fan unless it is extremely hot.