Twist the trunk 90 degrees to the right, using the arms and shoulders as levers. Slowly bend the torso and bring the forehead to the floor, close to the hand placed behind the body. The spine should be as straight as possible. Try to keep both buttocks on the floor. Hold the final position for a short time. Slowly raise and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on the other side. This completes one round.
Practise up to 5 rounds. Breathing: Inhale while facing forward.
Retain the breath in while twisting. Exhale while bending. Retain the breath out in the final position. Inhale while raising the trunk.
Exhale while re-centring the body. Awareness: Physical - on relaxation of the back and on the
Spiritual - on manipura chakra. Sequence: This asana should be practised after completing a
series of forward and backward bending asanas. It also stretches the legs and spine when performed after long periods of time sitting in a meditation posture. It is a preparatory practice for more advanced twisting asanas
such as ardha matsyendrasana. Contra-indications: The same as for ardha matsyendrasana. Benefits: This asana stretches the spine and lower back, making
the muscles supple and stimulating the nerves.