Other details: As for paschimottanasana.
Benefits: Although the benefits of this asana are almost identical to janu sirshasana and paschimottanasana, it has one distinct characteristic: the foot of the bent leg applies an intense massage to the abdominal organs. Each leg is bent in turn which helps to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and alleviate constipation. This asana also prepares the legs and hips for prolonged sitting in meditation asanas.
Meru Akarshanasana (spinal bending pose)
Lie on the right side with the left leg on top of the right leg.
Bend the right arm, placing the elbow on the floor. Raise the torso and head, supporting them on the right elbow. Rest the head in the right palm. The forearm and upper arm should be nearly vertical.
Place the left arm on the left thigh.
This is the starting position.
Raise the left leg as high as possible, slide the left hand to the foot and grasp the big toe. If this is too difficult, hold the leg as close to the foot as possible.