Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana (half lotus back
stretching pose) Sit with both legs outstretched. Bend the left leg and place the left foot as high as possible on the right thigh, turning the sole of the foot up. Press the heel firmly into the abdomen. Bend forward slightly, fold the left arm behind the back and try to grasp the toes of the left foot with the left hand. Sit upright again Relax the whole body, especially the back muscles. Lean forward and grasp the toes of the right foot with the right hand. Utilising the arms, not the back muscles, slowly pull the trunk forward so that the forehead is near to or resting on the straight knee. This is the final position. Hold the pose for as long as is comfortable. Release the hands and slowly sit up. Repeat the technique with the other leg.
Practise up to 3 rounds gradually extending the duration. Breathing: Inhale in the upright position.
Exhale bending forward into the final position. Breathe slowly and deeply in the final position or retain the breath outside if holding the pose for a short time. Inhale while returning to the upright position.