coronary diseases or abnormal absence of menstrual period should not practise this asana.
Benefits: Grivasana aligns the upper vertebrae, strengthens the neck and tones the cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral regions of the spine. It is used in yoga therapy for gynaecological disorders such as leucorrhea, and for some thyroid problems.
Sirshapada Bhumi Sparshasana (head and foot touching
the ground pose)
Lie in shavasana.
Relax the whole body.
Turn the palms of the hands to the floor.
Press down on the hands, elbows and lower arms raising the head and shoulders. Place the top of the head on the floor.
Tense the body and, moving the body towards the head, raise the trunk off the ground as high as possible.
The arms and hands are kept on the ground to support
the body until balance is obtained.
Try to straighten the legs.
Place the soles of the feet flat on the ground.
In the final position the palms of the hands are placed on