Grivasana (neck pose)
Lie flat on the back. Bend the knees and bring the heels up to touch the buttocks. The knees and feet should be slightly separated. Place the palms on the ground on either side of the head level with the temples. Push down on the hands and feet and raise the trunk, placing the crown of the head on the floor. Balance on the head and feet. Raise the arms and cross them on the chest. This is the final position.
Hold for as long as is comfortable. Breathing: Inhale deeply in the starting position.
Retain the breath inside while raising. In the final position retain the breath or breathe normally.
Exhale while lowering the trunk. Duration: Up to 3 rounds, gradually extending the final
position. Awareness: Physical - on the neck, thyroid gland or pelvic
Spiritual - on vishuddhi or manipura chakra. Sequence: Follow this with a forward bending pose such as
paschimottanasana, where neck vertebrae are stretched. Contra-indications: People having neck conditions such as
spondylitis, arthritis, slipped disc or high blood pressure,