Duration: Practise 1 or 2 rounds, slowly increasing the length
of time in the final position. Awareness: Physical - on the abdomen, relaxing the back and
maintaining balance.
Spiritual - on vishuddhi chakra. Contra-indications: This advanced form of shalabhasana should
only be performed by people who are physically fit and
who have very supple backs. Benefits: As for shalabhasana but with many of the benefits of
inverted asanas as well.
Saral Dhanurasana (easy bow pose)
Lie flat on the stomach with the legs and feet together, and the arms and hands beside the body. Bend the knees and bring the heels close to the buttocks. Grasp the ankles with the hands. Keep the knees and thighs firmly on the ground and the arms straight throughout the practice. Place the chin on the floor. This is the starting position. Tense the legs and try to push the feet backwards while raising the head and chest as high as possible from the