Poorna Shalabhasana (full locust pose)
Assume the final position of shalabhasana with the legs raised in the air as high as possible. Tense the arm muscles. Keep the arms and shoulders in firm contact with the floor to support the body. Lift the legs with a jerk to the vertical position and balance on the shoulders, chin and arms. Once the point of balance is obtained, gradually bend the knees and bring the toes down to touch the head. This is the final position. The final position may sometimes be more easily achieved by rhythmically swinging the legs up to progressively higher levels until the point of balance is reached. Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable. To return to the starting position, lift the feet from the head and find the point of balance. Then slowly lower the
body to the starting position. Breathing: Inhale while in the prone position.
Retain the breath inside while raising the body into the final position. Breathe normally in the final position. Retain the breath inside while lowering the body to the prone position.