Sphinx asana
Lie flat on the stomach with the forehead resting on the floor, the legs straight, feet together, and the soles of the feet uppermost. Bend the arms and place the forearms on the floor with the palms downward on each side of the head. The fingertips point forward but are in line with the crown of the head. The forearms and elbows are close to the body. Relax the whole body. Raise the head, shoulders and chest by bringing the upper arms to the vertical position. The elbows, forearms and hands will remain on the floor. Relax in the position for a comfortable length of time and then slowly lower the body.
This is one round. Breathing: Inhale while raising the head, shoulders and chest.
Exhale while lowering to the floor.
Breathe normally in the final position. Duration: Hold the position for 3 to 4 minutes as a static pose
or practise up to 5 rounds as a dynamic pose. Awareness: Physical - on the breath and relaxing the back.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Sequence: A good preparatory pose for bhujangasana.
Follow with a forward bending asana. Benefits: The benefits of this asana are the same as for bhujang
asana but at a reduced level. It is especially good for stiff backs and those with acute backache or slipped disc may relax in it for as long as they are comfortable.