and aligned position, despite all movement, depends totally on the balanced, supportive contraction and tone of the muscles. The muscles themselves are controlled unconsciously through posture.
Subconscious tensions and 'hang-ups' are often reflected in the tonic activity of the back muscles, resulting in too hard or too lax zones instead of homogeneous consistency. Recent research has shown that 90% of backache has its origin in muscular imbalance. If these imbalances are prolonged then the 'stack pile' of the vertebral column is disaligned, the ligaments are strained and symptoms of spondylitis, slipped disc, sciatica and osteoarthritis begin to manifest.
The practice of backward bending asanas can correct postural defects and neuromuscular imbalances of the vertebral column. As with all asanas it is important to perform these practices with proper control and synchronisation of the breath so that the whole group of muscles is uniformly contracted.
Impure blood has a tendency to accumulate in the back region where circulation tends to be sluggish due to continuous maintenance of an upright position. These asanas help to circulate, purify and enrich the blood in this region.
Backward bending asanas create a negative pressure in the abdomen and pelvis, helping neuro-circulatory toning of all the related organs. They also massage the abdomen and pelvic organs by stretching the muscles in this area, especially the rectus abdomini.