Conclusion: After completing the desired number of rounds,
stand upright with the eyes closed, the hands by the sides of the body and again visualise the full moon shining over the waves of the ocean until the body becomes steady.
Relax in shavasana. Duration: For spiritual benefits, slowly practise 3 to 7 rounds.
In position 4, take the left leg back first to activate ida nadi.
For physical benefits, practise 3 to 12 rounds more quickly. Awareness: Physical - on synchronising the movement with
the breath and on the different parts of the body mentioned while holding each position. Spiritual - on coordinating the movement with the breath
and on the appropriate chakra while holding each position. Sequence: Chandra namaskara is ideally practised before doing
other asanas. Other details: As given for surya namaskara. Variations: In the practices of chandra namaskara and surya
namaskara, some people find it very difficult to move into the position of ashtanga namaskara and from there into
bhujangasana. The following variations give alternatives: Variation I: Instead of performing ashtanga namaskara, bring
the knees to the floor and practise shashankasana. Then, raising the buttocks slightly, slide the body along
the floor and move into bhujangasana. Variation 2: This is a gentle alternative to ashtanga namaskara
and bhujangasana suitable for older people and those unable to bend the spine to the extent these postures require. Instead of ashtanga namaskara, drop the knees to the floor coming into the position of marjari-asana, the cat pose. Instead of bhujangasana, move the hips forward and down towards the floor, straightening the legs. The arms can be kept straight if necessary to support the body. Move the chest forward and bend the head back as far as comfortable.