9th day: Navami Position 9: Parvatasana (mountain pose) Mantra: Om Kulasundaryai Namaha, salutations to she who is
virtuous, respectable and charming. 10th day: Dashami Position 10: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (equestrian pose) Mantra: Om Nityayai Namaha, salutations to she who is eternal. IIth day: Ekadashi Position 11: Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose) Mantra: Om Nilapatakinyai Namaha, salutations to she who is
adorned with a blue flag. 12th day: Dwadashi Position 12: Padahastasana (hand to foot pose) Mantra: Om Vijayayai Namaha, salutations to she who is ever
victorious. 13th day: Tryaodashi Position 13: Hasta Utthanasana (raised arms pose) Mantra: Om Sarvamangalayai Namaha, salutations to she who is
the source of all good fortunes. 14th day: Chaturdashi Position 14: Pranamasana (prayer pose) Mantra: Om Jvalamalinyai Namaha, salutations to she who is
fenced with instant flames. Positions 15-28: Positions 1-14 form the first half of the round
and positions 15-28 form the second. In the second half, the same positions are repeated with the following changes: a) in position 18, ashwa sanchalanasana, instead of
stretching the right foot backward, the left leg is
stretched back first. b) in position 24, the same pose, the left knee is bent and
the right foot is brought forward in between the hands. After completion of one whole round there is a cross over in the leg positions of these stages, creating a balanced effect in the bod