Tiryaka Kati Chakrasana (swaying waist rotating pose)
Stand erect with the feet about shoulder width apart. Interlock the fingers in front of the navel. Inhale and raise the arms over the head and rotate the wrists, turning the palms out. Exhale and bend forward from the hips to form a right angle between the legs and trunk. Watch the back of the hands and keep the back straight. Holding the breath, slowly swing the arms and trunk to the right as far as possible, then to the left and then back to the centre. Return to the upright position and lower the arms.
Practise 5 times. Breathing: Inhale while raising the arms.
Exhale while bending forward. Hold the breath while swinging from side to side. Inhale while raising the trunk and exhale while lowering
the arms. Benefits: As for kati chakrasana. This asana also improves
balance and coordination.