Awareness: Physical - on the breathing, maintaining balance
and the stretch of the whole body from top to bottom. Spiritual initially on mooladhara chakra to provide stability; once balance is achieved, change to ajna. Sequence: Tadasana can be followed by any inverted asana. Benefits: This asana develops physical and mental balance. The entire spine is stretched and loosened, helping to clear up congestion of the spinal nerves at the points where they emerge from the spinal column. Tadasana stretches the rectus abdomini muscles and the intestines and is useful during the first six months of pregnancy to keep the abdominal muscles and nerves toned. Variation I: Tadasana may also be performed while gazing up at the interlocked fingers. It will be slightly more difficult to maintain balance in the final position.
Variation 2: Stand in tadasana with both arms overhead.
While balancing on the toes, lift one leg and extend it either forward or backward.
Repeat with the other leg. Practise 10 times.
Practice note: Those practitioners who have mastered tadasana with the eyes open may try it with the eyes closed. Note: This is one of the asanas for shankhaprakshalana.