Tadasana (palm tree pose)
Stand with the feet together or about 10 cm apart, and the arms by the sides. Steady the body and distribute the weight equally on both feet. Raise the arms over the head. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms upward. Place the hands on top of the head. Fix the eyes at a point on the wall slightly above the level of the head. The eyes should remain fixed on this point throughout the practice. Inhale and stretch the arms, shoulders and chest upward. Raise the heels coming up
onto the toes. Stretch the whole body from top to bottom, without losing
ce or moving the feet. Hold the breath and the position for a few seconds. At first it may be difficult to maintain balance but with practice it becomes easier. Lower the heels while breathing out and bring the hands to the top of the head. This is one round. Relax for a few seconds before performing the next round.
Practise 5 to 10 rounds. Breathing: The breath should be synchronised with the raising
and lowering of the arms.