Sukhasana (easy pose)
Sit with the legs straight in front of the body. Bend the right leg and place the foot under the left thigh. Bend the left leg and place the foot under the right thigh. Place the hands on the knees in chin or jnana mudra. Keep the head, neck and back upright and straight, but without strain. Close the eyes. Relax the whole body. The arms should be relaxed and
not held straight. Benefits: Sukhasana is the easiest and most comfortable of the
meditation postures. It can be utilised without ill effect by persons who are unable to sit in the more difficult meditation postures. It facilitates mental and physical balance
without causing strain or pain. Practice note: Sukhasana is a relaxing posture which may be
used after extended periods of sitting in siddhasana or padmasana. Although sukhasana is said to be the simplest meditation posture, it is difficult to sustain for long periods of time unless the knees are close to the ground or on the ground. Otherwise most of the body weight is supported by the