My Son
I am a young, able, handsome, healthy boy. I have my love, my life, my house and also my cause. Some time ago, I used to wonder: Would I ever be able to achieve all of these?
But I have. I have done it all. I am living my cause, living with my love, living in my house and working in the whole world. My own capacity, ability to dream and do, amaze me.
Now something even more precious, evermore important, unbelievable, has happened to me. I am going to have my own son, dearest, lovable. How this happens! Even science is amazed.
Thoughts are running through me. I am cleaning the house, so my son will be able to play. I am saving, so my son will be able to dress, study, live the best possible. I am living life for my son.
I have been thinking of this world, world's problems, world's concerns. Pain in this world and happiness hidden behind the suffering, sorrow, and tears. Feelings of a father and his own son, like an ocean.