One believes old is gold, old culture, values should be preserved, Yet one believes new is progress. Can both be true?
One likes sweet, soft, and one likes savory, hot and spicy Yet one says, well, it depends. Can all be true?
One believes save and consume with caution, precaution Yet one says, things or even ideas rot if preserved and not refreshed!
One believes patience and love are important virtues to do good work Yet one says if you love fully and patiently, how will the work get done?
Is desire or need the root cause of all new inventions? Or is this yet another belief?
One lives according to one's beliefs, works according to one's beliefs. Rich with money may live like poor and poor may live like rich!
One is known by one's beliefs, creates a world and identity around them, Yet one living within this world rejects them all!
One is bound by one's beliefs, and lives in the world Tied to one's own systems to either understand or change!
One is a slave of one's own beliefs. Yet one is totally free, Eternally happy, peaceful without any beliefs at all!