परिशिष्ट - ३
Oh Asha! You, alone the embodiment of nectar in the form of equanimity, who is the destroyer of the poison in the form of passions etc., become the bestower of final beatitude. (108)
Oh Asha! You who are a great (primary) power, going upward, in a moment, through the central path of the six mystical circles in the body, are (considered to be) as dear to a yogi as his life. (109)
Oh Asha! Self-experience shines forth at once owing to the harmonious union; the idea that 'I am Shiva' is produced (and also) the impartial attitude (is seen) everywhere. (110)
With a view to enhancing the feeling of love (this) "AshaPrema-stuti" is composed (by me) through the favour of (my) spiritual guide by name Shree Bhadrankara Vijayaji, who was holding the rank of 'Pannyasa'. (111)
Here ends "Asha-Prema-Stuti".