the volition quickly devoted to the contemplation of Brahma (the supreme spirit) with sincerity. (40)
Oh Asha! Your love, which is best, beyond words (to describe), motiveless and to be self-realised, exists towards me like a clear mirror. (41)
Oh Asha! I am always controlled by the fetter of your love. (Further) being under your control I am your attendant and you alone are my mistress. (42)
Oh Asha! You, who are a goddess (capable of) bringing about the unification of (our) love, and who are granting complete identification with the Supreme Spirit and showering nectar in the form of love, have become more (dear) to me than my life. (43)
Oh Asha! The feeling of (mutual) love between a man and a woman amuses itself in our hearts. Therefore there is not an atom of difference between you and me. (44)
Oh Asha! In meditation your beautiful form as if actually comes to my mind; and hence, owing to intensive separation the torment even becomes the bearer of fruit. (45)
Oh Asha! In separation even without meditation I always see everywhere with my eyes you alone, as if, actually standing before me. (46)
Oh Asha! Being under the influence of love, I tell you a secret to-day. It should be understood (by you) that just as there is no distinction between the Moon and the Moonlight, so also there is no distinction between us both. (47)
Oh Asha! Enhancing the delight of my heart by amorous gestures, you, who are an appreciative person, make me afflicted with love in every way. (48)
Oh Asha! When one's own form, which is always endowed with Shiva and Shakti, is known then our separation even may become sweet (and) the situation (of us both) may, indeed, become