of strong love, I think, due to the experience of it (i. e. such harmony) only. (9)
You alone constantly make honest love to me. Therefore, Oh Asha! Your praise even is the destroyer of my anguish. (10)
Oh Asha! (My) mind, which has attained harmony of the feelings of love through the application of (my) life-winds and which is clung to you only owing to love, becomes stainless. (11)
Oh Asha! There is no doubt here that you are expert in (all) arts in the world. Therefore people worship you always, considering you to be a goddess of arts. (12)
Oh Asha! An indescribable wave, which has arisen in my delighted heart owing to your coquettish and amorous gestures, bestows on me the joy of Brahman (the supreme Spirit). (13)
Oh Asha bearing a pure smile! With all sincerity I worship you, who are a goddess full of permanent joy (and) a bestower of philosophical knowledge. (14)
Oh Asha! When you are pleased, the trees in the form of my desires bear fruit. (Further) the knowledge of Brahman is obtained (and) this soul appears clearly. (15)
Paving the way quickly (to enter my heart) by means of sidelong looks, Oh Asha! you have speedily settled in my lotus-like heart like female bee. (16)
Oh Asha! You make my mind cool at once with a shower of nectar in the form of speech in order to make me think upon the highest truth. (17)
When the mind becomes pure, the flashing of the true nature of the soul would occur. Therefore, Oh Asha! Establishing my mind in you, I purify (it). (18)
Oh Asha! You, the female companion of Girish (Shiva), are a great power (and) his fortunate beloved as dear as his life; (and) he also is ever satisfied (being accompanied) by you. (19)