(४०) न च द्रव्यं सत्त्वादित्यादौ द्रव्यत्वाभाववति गुणादौ सत्त्वादेर्विशिष्टाभावादिसत्त्वादतिव्याप्तिरिति वाच्यम् । तादृशाभावप्रतियोगितावच्छेदकहेतुतावच्छेदकवत्त्वस्येह विवक्षितत्वात् ।
( ४१ ) प्रतियोगिता च हेतुतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्ना ग्राह्या, तेन द्रव्यत्वाभाववति गुणादौ सत्तादेः संयोगादिसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नाभावसत्त्वेऽपि
(40) Nor it should be argued that-there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference 'it is a substance because it has existence, because of there is absence of qualified existence35 in the quality etc. which has the absence of substance-ness, because here, 'state of having the determinant of the state of being reason the determinant of the counterpositive-ness of such an absence, is to be said.
(41) The counter-positive-ness should be taken as determined by the relation of the determinant of the state of
35. सत्त्वादेर्विशिष्टाभावात् – The quality which is locus of absence of the substanceness is the locus of existence, being non-substratum of qualified existence. If the counter-positive-ness of the absence of qualified existence exists in that counter-positive-ness exists in existence also, therefore there is fault of too narrow application when to avoide this fault state of having determinant of state of being reason is maintioned as determinant of counter-positive-ness of such absence. The state of being qualified existence though it is determinant of the counter-positive-ness of that absence the state of being unqualified existence which is determinant of state of being reason is not determinant of the counter-positive-ness of such absence, therefore there is no fault of too narrow application.