साध्याभावाधिकरणत्वं विवक्ष्यतां किं साध्यतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नसाध्याभाववृत्तित्वस्य प्रतियोगिताविशेषणत्वेनेति वाच्यम् । कालिकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नात्मकत्वप्रकारक प्रमाविशेष्यत्वाभावस्य विशेषणता
being substratum of the absence of that which is to be established by the relation which determines the counterpositive-ness of that which is to be established in general, why the counter-positiveness should be qualified by the existence in the absence of that which is to be established, which (existence) is determined by the relation which determines the state of being that which is to be established. This is because, otherewise there would be a fault of too narrow application, in the inference and where the absence of the substrata-ness of the valid knowledge which has soulness as a qualifier, determined by the temporal relation, is that which is to be established by the relation of self some-ness and soul-ness16 is
16. आत्मत्वप्रकारकेति - When the occurrence in the absence of sādhya determined by the relation of determinant of the state of being sādhya is applied with the counter-positive-ness. There would not be fault of too narrow application because the sadhya which is in the form of the absence of subjectness of the valid knowledge where soulness is qualifier and the counter-positive-ness of which is determined by the temporal relation. The absence of that sadhya, counter-positive-ness of which is determined by the selfsome relation, is the absence is sadhya counter-positive-ness of which is determined by the relation of the detarminant of the state of being sadhya. The counter-positive-ness which exists in that absence is indicated by sādhya in the form of the absence of objectness of valid knowledge