घटात्यन्ताभावाभावव्यवहाराच्च घटात्यन्ताऽभावाभावो घटस्वरूपः तथा घटभेदवत्ताग्रहे घटभेदात्यन्ताभावाग्रहात् घटभेदात्यन्ताभावाभावव्यवहाराच्च, घटभेद एव तदत्यन्ताभावत्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकाभाव इति तत्सिद्धान्तः न युक्तिसहः इति । विनिगमकाभावेनापि घटत्वत्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकात्यन्ताभाववद् घटभेदस्यापि घटभेदात्यन्ताभावाभावत्वसिद्धेरप्रत्यूहत्वाच्च ।
(१५) अत एव तादृशसिद्धान्तो न उपाध्यायसम्मतः । अत एव च अभावविरहात्मत्वं वस्तुनः प्रतियोगितेत्याचार्याः ।
of a pot, the knowledge of the absolute absence of the mutual absence of a pot does not arise and there is such a usage of the absence of absolute absecne of the mutual absence of the pot. Therefore the mutual absence of a pot alone is identical with the absence which has the counter-positive-ness determined by the state of being absolute absence of that, this theory has no proof and due to absence of clinching argument also like the absolute absence which has the counter-positive-ness determined by potness-ness the mutual absence of the pot also has the state of being absence of the absolute absence of the mutual absence of pot, because it is not contradicted. Therefore such a theory is not acceptable for Upadhyāya.
(15) Therefore ācārya says 'the state of being absence of absence is identical with counter-positive-ness'. Otherwise there would be a fault of too narrow application in the mutual
15. अभावविरहात्मत्वं वस्तुनः प्रतियोगिता - The counter-positive-ness is identical with the absence of the absence of a thing.