प्रथमं लक्षणम्
अतिव्याप्तिः ।
साध्याऽभाववद्वृत्तिश्च हेतुतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धेन ११ विवक्षणीया, तेन वह्न्यभाववति धूमावयवे जलहदादौ च समवायेन कालिकविशेषणतादिना च धूमस्य वृत्तावपि न क्षतिः ।
(८) साध्याभावश्च साध्यतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नसाध्यतावच्छेदकावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताको बोध्यः । तेन वह्निमान् धूमादित्यादौ समवायादिसम्बन्धेन वह्निसामान्याभाववति संयोगसम्बन्धेन, तत्तद्वह्नि
of being a reason, therefore there is no fault of too narrow application in respect of the inference, 'this has fire because of smoke' though smoke exists in water lake etc. and the part of smoke, which have the absence of fire, by the temporal relation and inherence relation11 respectively.
(8) The absence of that which is to be established should be known as having the counter-positive-ness of which is determined by that which determines the state of being that which is to be established, and as well determined by the relation which determines that which is to be established, therefore there is not the fault of too narrow application in the inference, 'this has fire because of smoke', even though smoke exists in that which has the absence of fire in general, by the relation inherence, and in that which has the absence determined by the state of being both water and fire as well by the state of being a particular fire, by the relation conjunction.
11. हेतुतावच्छेदकसम्बन्ध:-The relation that determines the state of being reason is stated to be the determinant relation of state of being