प्रथमं लक्षणम्
(५) एतेन वृत्तेरभावोऽवृत्तीत्यव्ययीभावानन्तरं साध्याभाववतोऽवृत्तिः यत्रेति- बहुव्रीहिरित्यपि प्रत्युक्तं, वृत्तौ साध्याभाववतोऽनन्वयापत्तेः । अव्ययीभावसमासस्याऽव्ययतया तेन समं समासान्तारासम्भवाच्च । नजुपाध्यादिरूपाऽव्ययविशेषाणामेव समस्यस्यामानत्वेन
compound, is prohibited. Just as in the case 'bhutal upakumbham' 'bhutale gha-am' 'near the pot existing in the ground' and the ‘absolute absence of that,' both of them are not apprehended.
(5) By this way, vritterabhāvo avrītti after this avyayıbhāva compound ‘sādhyābhāvavato avrittiḥ yatra’ this bahuvrīhi compound8 also is discarded because of the non applicability of the sementic connection of that which has the absence of that which is to be established with existing (vritti), and because the avyayībhāva compound is an avyava therefore there would not be connection of other compound, negative adjuncts which are particular avyaya are counted as to be
8. वृत्तेरभावोऽवृत्तिः इत्यव्ययीभावानन्तरं साध्याभाववतोऽवृत्तिर्यत्र The absence of
occurrence is non-occurance this ‘avyayıbhāva' compound, where non-occurant from that would not be semantic connection of that which has the absence of sādhya with occurrent. Another difficulty also arrises here, that because of the avyayibhāva compound is avyaya and with these, there would not be semantic connection of other compound. Here avritti is avyaya, with this there would not be use of tatpurusa (तत्पुरुष) compound of sadhyābhāva. (साध्याभाव), with avyaya only avyayıbhāva compound only can be used, not with any other compound. Here 'avritti' absence of occurrence is an 'avyaya.'