पञ्चमं लक्षणम्
केवलान्वयिग्रन्थे वह्निर्नास्तीत्यत्र वह्नित्वमवच्छिन्नत्वं प्रतियोगित्वञ्च संसर्गमर्यादया भासते इति स्वयमप्युक्तम् ।
(जा.३०) इत्थमेव च प्रमेयं नास्ति कम्बुग्रीवादिमान् नास्तीत्यादिशाब्दबोधानां संसर्गकोटावेव प्रतियोगितायां प्रमेयत्वाद्यवच्छिन्नत्वावगाहितया भ्रमत्वं, संसर्गप्रकारसाधारणविशेष्यविशेषणभावस्यैव भ्रमत्वघटकत्वात्, अन्यथा स्वरूपसम्बन्धेन प्रमेयत्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगित्वस्य अलीकतया अखण्डतादृशसम्बन्धेन प्रमेयस्य अभावधर्मिणि अन्वयासम्भवेन भ्रमत्वानुपपत्तेः, सदुपरागेणाप्यसतः संसर्गमर्यादया भानस्य
determined, and counter-positive-ness all these three are apprehended through the limitation of relation (samsargamaryādā).
(J.30) In this way, verbal apprehensions such as there is the absence of object of valid knowledge, there is absence of that which has conch like neck, are error like in the side of relation, when in the counter-positive-ness is determined by state of being knowable (prameyatva) etc. because the qualifier-qualified relationship which is common to relation and qualifier is only included in the state of being error, otherwise the counter-positive-ness determined by the state of being knowable (prameyatva) by the relation self-some-ness (svarūpa) is non-existent, therefore there is no possibility of relation of knowable with locus of absence by part-less such a relation, hence that would not be an error. This is because the apprehension on non-existent by imposition of existent through the limitation of relation is not accepted by the author of ‘maņi’