चतुर्थं लक्षणम्
(जा.२०) हेत्वभावे प्रतियोगितावच्छेदकावच्छिन्नवैयधिकरण्यविवक्षायाः फलमाह-तेन द्रव्यत्वादाविति । अन्यथा साध्याभाववति गुणादौ विशिष्टसत्ताभावस्य सत्तारूपप्रतियोगिसमानाधिकरणत्वादव्याप्तिरेव स्यादिति भावः ।
____ (जा.२१) अत्र तु द्रव्यत्वसाध्यतायां साकल्याप्रसिद्ध्या अव्याप्तेरुक्तविवक्षयापि अप्रतीकारात्-आदिपदम् । तेन गुणवत्त्वादिसाध्यस्योपग्रह: द्रव्येतरासमवेतमात्रं वा प्रकृते द्रव्यत्वमिति ध्येयम् ।
being a reason should be added, therefore there is no irrelevance of later text, This should be understood.
___ (J.20) Author says the fruit of desire to be mentioning non-existence with that which is determined by the determinant of counter-positive-ness in the respect of the absence of reason by the expression 'there-fore in substanceness' etc. Otherwise there would be a fault of too narrow application because of the absence of qualified existence is coexistent with its counter-positive in quality etc. in the form of existence and so on, which have the absence of that which is to be established. This is the idea.
___ (J.21) Here where substance-ness is that which is to be established ‘all is not established, there is a fault of too narrow application which is not avoided, eventhough there is desire to apply that qualifier. Therefore the word and etc. is used, by this the state of having quality etc. as that which is to be established, is included or only non-inherence in that which is different from substance is the meaning of substance-ness, in present case this should be noted. Author says the result of desire to