भावोऽपीत्येवं क्रमेण वक्तुमुचितम् अपिशब्दादेव हेत्वभावस्य लाभसम्भवात् तथापि तत्प्रतियोगित्वञ्च इत्यग्रिमत्मपदेनानिर्दिष्टहेत्वभावस्य परामर्शासम्भवात् हेत्वभावप्रतियोगित्वञ्च इत्यभिधाने च ग्रन्थगौरवादित्यमभिधानम् ।
(जा.१८) प्रतियोगितावच्छेदकावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगीति । प्रति
inference; "this has qualified existence because of generic attribute. Though it should be mentioned by such order that the absence of that which is to be established also mentioned, because by the word ‘also''the absence of reason can be understood yet by the expression that conuter-positive-ness' the absence of reason which was not early mentioned, that could not be taken. And if the counter-positive-ness of the absence of reason is to be stated there is cumber-some-ness of the text.
(J.18) In the expression 'counter-positive determined by that which determines the counterpositive-ness', the term
relation which determines the state of being the reason, there would be a fault of over-extention in the inference; “this is different from soul because of substence-ness.” The absence of substence-ness also exists in the substratum of the absence of sādhya by the temporal relation, the counter-positive-ness of the absence occures in substance, therefore there is a fault of over-extention. When the counter-positive-ness is taken by the relation of the determinant of state of being reason there would not be fault of over-extention, because the counter-postive-ness which is determined by temporal relation is not determined by the relation inherence which determined state of being reason.