चतुर्थं लक्षणम्
पदोत्तरनाम्ना सकलसाध्यप्रतियोगिताकाभाववतोऽनुपस्थापनात् तेन समं सकलपदस्य कर्मधारयोऽपि अनुपपन्न इत्यत आह- साध्याभाव इति । तथा च साध्याभाववत्येव साकल्यं देयं न तु साध्येऽपीति भावः ।
(जा.१४) साध्याभाववति साकल्यदानस्य प्रयोजनमाह-तेनेति । विपक्षैकदेशः कश्चिद्विपक्ष: साध्यनिष्ठसाकल्यस्य साध्यसामान्याभावस्य
absence of all those which are to be established having the counter-positive-ness determined by two-ness, exists in that, also which has that which is to be established. More over by the name followed by the word 'All', that which has the absence of all those which are to be established, 'is not denoted therefore 'karmadhāraya' compound of the word 'all' with it, is not applicable. Hence author says 'absence of that which is to be established.' Therefore word 'all' should be connected with that only which has the absence of that which is to be established and not with that which is to be established also. This is the idea. (J.14) Author says the reason of the use of 'all' connected with that which has that which is to be established by the word 'therefore.' The part of counter-subject (means) someone of counter-subjects. Author says the purpose of the inclusion of 'allness' in that which is to be established, or inclusion of absence of that which is to be established in general by the expression 'or
absence, counter-positive of which is sadhya in the locus as such absence naturally mountain etc., there is no absence of smoke but the absence of pot etc., the counter-positive-ness as this absence does not exist in smoke. Therefore there is fault of impossiblity. Absence of both things can be taken as the absence of sadhya in all valid inferences. Therefore there is fault of impossibility and not a fault of too narrow application.