द्वितीयं लक्षणम्
करण्यतदभावयोः विरुद्धयोः धर्मयोः सम्भवादिति दिक् ।
(जा.७) न च घटत्वघटाकाशसंयोगान्यतरत्वाद्यवच्छिन्नाभाववान् गगनत्वादित्यत्राव्याप्तिः, साध्यवद्भिन्ने घटे वर्त्तमानस्य गगनघटसंयोगात्मकसाध्याभावस्यापि अधिकरणे गगनादौ गगनत्वादिहेतोः सत्त्वादिति वाच्यम् । अभावाभावस्यातिरिक्ततामते एवैतल्लक्षणकरणादिति भावः
quality co-existence with quality-ness, in the absence of ether and not in substance co-existence with quality-ness in the absence of ether. This is the direction.
(J.7) Nor it should be stated, that there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference; this has the absence of that which is determined by the state of being one of them jarness and the conjunction of ether-ness because the reason' in the etherness etc. exits ether which also is the substratum of the absence of that which is to be established in the form of conjunction with ether and jar which absence exists in the jar which is different from that which has that which is to be established. This is because this definition is made taking in to account only the opinion of those who accept the absence of absence as separate category. This is the idea.