instances of knowledge there is fire on the mountain' and the ‘mountain is fiery' (parvate agniḥ and parvath agniman (900 37117:, yaa: 341141). But this minute difference can not be expressed nor explained without taking the help of the technical terms of Navya Nyāya like prakāratā, višesyatā (Yohlar, fagterai) etc. The ordinary words of the ordinary language are simply unable to express the subtle difference of these two sentences.
There are many other examples for which we need to take the help of the technical terms of Navya Nyāya and this proves the uniqueness of this system. Not only in the field of philosophical discussions. But without the terms of Navya Nyāya it is difficult to explain the meaning of the first śloka of Amarakośa yasya jñānamayasindho.' (pey 511441FT-ET) Why the pronoun yat (Tl) denotes this particular thing and not another ? The answer to this question can be found only with the help of the Navya Nyāya terminology.
The well-known fourth sutra of Gautama has only fifteen letters. But Gangeśopadhyāya had written the whole his treat Tattvaciñtāmaņi consisting of 2000 lines only on it. Besides Tattvaciñtāmaņi, later was so widely commented. It is wellknown that the scholars from Mithilā, Bengal, Dravida regions and Mahārāshtra had written enumerable commentaries on this treat on which later so many great scholars, have written subcommantaries and sub-sub-commentaries and so the Navya Nyāya writings of many million lines came into existence. In this way Navya Nyāya being a new school has also quite an old and lengthy tradition. And the commentaries and sub-commentaries like Dīdhiti, Jāgadīshī, Gādādharī, Māthuri and Krodapatras (afufa, HNTGIRÎT, PIIGTETT, Htech, sh1597) can not be considered to be just useless gossips. Expressing the weighted of this system a