सर्वमन्यत् प्रथमलक्षणोक्तदिशा अवसेयम् । यथा चास्य न तृतीयलक्षणाभेदस्तथोक्तं तत्रैवेति४८ समासः ।
सर्वाण्येव लक्षणानि केवलान्वय्यव्याप्त्या दूषयति- केवलान्वयिनि अभावादिति । पञ्चानामेव लक्षणानाम् इदं वाच्यं ज्ञेयत्वादित्यादिव्याप्यवृत्तिकेवलान्वयिसाध्यके, द्वितीयादिलक्षणचतुष्टयस्य तु कपिसंयोगाभाववान् सत्त्वादित्याद्यव्याप्यवृत्तिकेवलान्वयिसाध्यकेऽपि चाभावादित्यर्थः ।
(५३) साध्यतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नसाध्यतावच्छेदकावच्छिन्न
counter-positive-ness determined by the state of having fire. All other things should be known according to the description in the first definition. How there is no non-difference with third definition that is already discussed in that place only.48
Author rejects all five definition by too narrow application in the pure affirmative inference by the expression 'absence in pure affirmative inference. There is absence of all five definitions in the inference; 'it is namable because it is knowable’ in which that which is to be established is a pure affirmative and non partial eristent all four definitions begining from the second one have fault of too narrow application in the inference; “this has the absence of the conjunction of monkey because of existence' where that which is to be established is pure affirmative and partial existent, this is the meaning.
__ (53) This is because the mutual absence, which has
48. तत्रैवोक्तम्-Maintioned there only by in locus of locussness, there is
difference between them. These two definitions third and fifth.