Answer from Enlightened Guru on fifth principle. Like you have understood the result of the
good and bad deed, You will understand detachment of soul
because of self realization. Long era of time have passed in suffering
from life and death when you reach the stage of self realization
you overcome all suffering. Once soul is detached from the body
i.e. being state of self realization then soul will be free from suffering of
life and will dwell in endless joy.
Questions doubting the sixth principle. Now I do believe soul can get detached through
self realization but how can you get rid of
all your deeds accumulated from long time. Many ways are suggested by many Gurus to get free from suffering. But with due respect to
all I can not decide which way is right for me. I am totally in confused state of mind,
and do not know in which religion
I can reach stage of self realization. Honestly I do not know the way or path
to get self realization, and therefore I do not
understand how my soul can get your help? You have cleared all my five doubts with
utmost satisfaction. I will be very fortunate soul if I understand your path of self realization.
Philosophy & Enlightenment