To walk on the path of the self realization
having goal of enlightenment, One must accept the thought of
Sadguru in totality and forget own belief. Characteristic of the enlightened Guru
is the proof of realization and Guru's experience written in
vocabulary language enlighten others. To start the thought process
one must think that presence of Sadguru, Is absolutely necessary in order
to get blessings from God. God says you will not feel grateful- thankful,
unless you follow thoughts, From enlightened Guru
and experience my presence. The scriptures of the enlightened Guru
will be sufficient enough, For the truth seeker in case of
physical absence of the Guru. In case of physical absence of Guru,
one must think on the scriptures, Without creating any
difference of opinion in the mind. God in the form of enlightened Guru
says endless number of my dispels, enlightened in the past and
you will experience same if you leave your ego. In the presence of the Sadguru,
Seeker can overcome feeling of egoism. If seeker adopts any other method to
remove pride it will be disaster.
Philosophy & Enlightenment