Eight karmas. Spiritual person can get rid of first four, while other four remain during life time.
By Nature By illusion 1)) Gyanaverniya Enlightenment Ignorance 2) Darshnavarniya True identity Wrong recognition 3) Mohniya
Detachment Attachment 4) Antarai
Unlimited strength Hindrance. 5) Nam
Name 6) Gotra
Religion 7) Ayush
Life span 8) Vedna
Everlasting joy
Eighten sins. 1) Hinsa. ( violence.) 2) Mrusha. (To lie.) 3) Parighraha. (excess accumulation.) 4) Abrmhacharya.(no control over sexual emotions) 5) Advattadan.( taking wrong help.) 6) Krodha, (anger.) 7) Man,( pride.) 8) Maya, (attractions.) 9) Lobha, ( greed.) 10) Rag,( likings.) 11) Dwesh,( dislike.) 12) Kalah,( instigating thoughts.) 13) Abhyakhan,( blaming others.) 14) Paishun, (say bad about others.) 15) Parprivad,( always wrong characterization) 16) Rati Ararti, (always attached to 5 senses.) 17) Mayamrushavad (rope someone with attractions.) 18) Mithya darshan, (wrong visualization.)
Philosophy & Enlightenment