Yoga: Patanjali said about five chaityabhumi. 1) Mudh (dull),
2) Shipta(distracted),3)Vikshipt (occasionally stable )4) Ekagrata (focused) ,5) Nirodha (highly concentrated)
Ashtang yoga: Is 1) Yam: What one should do,2) Niyam; take wow, 3)Asan : all the yogic exercises, 4) Pranayam: breathing technique in yoga, 5) Pratyahar: get ready for dharna, also take right food.6) Dharna: set the goal in mind, concentrate.. 7)Dhyan is meditation. 8) Samadhi: sense of contemplation. I being totally lost. Dharna, dhyan and Samadhi are dwelling in sacchidanand state.
Nastik Charvak:
The one who speaks sweet speech. Char means charu and charu means sweet and vak is vani.
Categories in charvak are materialistic and cultured. Charvak accepts only experience so does not accept God, Cultured charvak accepts the soul, but they believe that soul exists after death, being natural phenomenon.
Buddha and Jain deny Veda being Pramanik or shramik.
Greek philosophy talks about samadhi. Froid said about ego, super ego, and psycho analysis.
Buddhism: The founder of Buddhism was Gautam Buddha.
It is more ethical approach, the basic teaching surrounded by pain, sorrow, suffering, dukha.
Four noble truths are: 1) Dukha 2) Dukha samudai (cause), 3) Dukha nirodh ( cessation of suffering) 4) Dukha nirodhmarg (path to remove)
The path gave understanding in eight stages.
1)Samyak drashti, 2) Sankalp, 3) Vak, 4) Karma, 5) Ajiva, 6) Vyayam, 7) Smruti and 8) Samyak samadhi.
Kshanikvad is stream of consciousness changing moment to moment. Nothing is permanent.
Five elements of thought: 1) Roop skandh (positive things) .2) Vedna skandh (feeling like ,dislike attitude), 3) Satya skandh (how will you conceptualize ) 4) Sanskar skandh (understanding value) 5) Vigyan skandh (knowing the consciousness )
Buddha said in nirvana stage everyone gets same knowledge.
Philosophy & Enlightenment