My Views: One can observe that western philosophy is prominently rationalized logic. It also accepts the existence of God. It does not say ultimate reality is Atma (Soul).
Also Christianity and Islam do not believe in rebirth. Therefore when a human being dies God decides the Judgment Day according to his deed.
The Indian Philosophy believes in existence of Atma and Body. The knowledge is shared by guru through his experience and was spread orally. Later it was written in Sutra form.
Indian Philosophy. Origin of Indian philosophy came from Veda. Vedanta is veda's knowledge in the form of Sutra. Formerlly the scriptures were not written, After some time, the scriptures were made in he form of Sutras.
Three Basic Concepts of Veda are 1) Material is for getting pleasure, 2) Physical is to express sorrow and 3) Spiritual to get Moksha or Liberation.
One can get the knowledge from Parents, Guru or from Enlightened Guru.
Four Stages of Dharma are 1) To follow the Virtues,
2) Artha to earn for living, 3) Kam for ultimate desire. and 4) Moksha Is for liberation.
Life is divided in four stages according to age. 1) Bramhacharya, 2) Gruhasthashram, 3) Vanprasthashram and 4) Sansyasahram. to accomplish these goals.
Philosophy & Enlightenment