Plato: He said ideas are above physical world. Idea can be common in the human mind, but experience can not be common. Reasoning ideas are objects of knowledge. There are two worlds namely the ideal world and the real/ physical world. Ideal world is true and physical world is replica.
Aristotle: He said idea exists in physical world, and realism being ultimate truth.
Heraclitus: Like Buddhists, he said everything is momentary.
De'scartes: He said one must have doubt but it should not be destructive, it should be constructive. Knowledge should be unshakable and should have rock bottom certainty. I think- therefore I am, in this process- one gets innate ideas(in born) finally manifested in knowledge. God is the result of rational thinking. Relation between one and other idea can not described. De'scates was for dualism of matter and mind.
Rationalism: This is the knowledge through the rationality or reason. This development was in the 16th century. Objectivity and certainty became the criteria of truth.
Spinoza: He discarded De'scartes dualism and said universal truth can be explained in various ways, called pantheism (all is God).
Leibnitz: He said it is pre-established harmony relating to the diversified world. No idea are contradictory, all the souls are similar and self sufficient. The world is of monads.
Philosophy & Enlightenment