Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
200 COUSENS, H. Lists of antiquarian remains in His High
ness Nizam's Territories........... 201
Lists of antiquarian remains in the Central 202
Provinces and Berar......... 203
Notes on Bijapur and Satrunjaya................ 204
Voir BURGESS, J. 205 COWELL, E.-B. Prakrit-Grammar of Varrruchi......... 206
Short introduction to the ordinary Prakrit 207 - et A.-E GOUGH Trad. Sarva-darsana
samgraha 208 CROOKE, W. An introduction to tke popular religion
and rolklore of Northe n India. 208 - The tribes anil castes of tke North-Western
Provinces and Oud'.............. 210 CUNNINGHAM, A Archælogical Survey of India; Reports 211
Book of indian Era ..... 212
Corpus inscriptionum indicarum. I.
Inscriptions of Asoka................ 213 CUST, R. Religions et ngues de l'Inde..................... 214 DAHLMANN, J. Buddha.............. 815 - Das Mahabharata als Epos uud Re
chtsbuch................ 216 DALTON, E.-T. Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal............ 217 DAMODARA LAL Gosvami. Ed. Saddarsanasamuccaya de
Haribhadra...... 218
Ed. Syadvadamanjari de Mal
lisena........... 219 DELAMAINE, J. The Srawacs or Jains.. 220 DELIUS, N. Radices pracriticae.. 221 DEVIPRASADA Voir NESFIELD, J-O. 222 DÄRUVA, H A copperplate Grant of King Trilocha
napala............. 223
The Dohad Inscription of the Chaulukya
King Jayasimha-Deva....... The Nadole Inscription of King Alhanadero
For Private And Personal Use Only