Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
176 BURNOUF, E. Introduction a rhistoire du Buddhisme
indien................*** 177 BUTERAYA. Muphatti vise carca...... 178 CALDWELL, R, A comparative Grammar of the Dravidian
Languages........................ 174 CAMANLAL SANKALCAND MARFATIYA Jain Ramayana... 180 CAMPAT RAE. Qaumi Apil..
"Oz Apil............... 181 Caritrasangrahdu................ 182 Catalogue of sk mss. in the Lahore Division... 183 Catalogue of sk. mss. Sanskrit College Benares. 184 Census of India, 1881....... 185
1891........ 186
1901..... 187 CHALMERS, The Jains.......... 188 CHANTEPIE de la SAUSSAYE. Lehrbuch des Religions
geschichte................... Manuel d'Histoire des re
ligions, orad. H. HUB
ERT et I. LEVY......... 189 Classified List of sk mss. Library Bombay Branch R. A.
Society Bhagwanlal Indraji Collection..................... 190 COLEBROOKE, B-T. Inscription at temples of the Jaino
Sect in South Bihar.. 191
Miscellaneous Essay: ........ 198
Observations on the Sect of Jains. 193
on the philosophy of the Hinius 194
Essais sur la philosophie des Hind
ous, trat. G. PAUTHIER......... 195 Collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit Inscriptions......... 196 CONOLLY, E Observations upon the condition of Ujjaijani 197 COPLESTON, R, S. Papers on the first fifty Ja'akas...... 198 M'CORKELL, G. A Legend of old Belyam.................. 199 Corpus inscriptionum indicarum. Voir CUNNINGHAM, A.,
et FLEET, J.-E............
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