Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
I am no scholar of Jain theology. The little that I know of Jain philosophy is due to what I have gathered from my contact with Jain Savants, such as Jainacharya Buddhisagarji and Muni shree Hemendrasagarji, the learned desciple of the author of this commentary. I hesitated at first to express an opinion on such a subject of purely literary and theological interest, but when I learned some of the aspects of his work from Muni Shree Hemendrasagarji, I felt I should write a few words about the author and his work.
"Jina Stuti Chatur Vimsatika ", a poem of 96 slokas is the most attractive and fascinating poem of its kind. It is the masterpiece and the only work of the great poet Sobhan, the brother of the poet Dhanpal who was the personal friend of the famous Raja Bhoj. Each verse of this short poem is a standing monument of the skill of the poet, giving us a proof of his great versatility and talent. The learned Jainacharya Ajitsagarji has written a Sanskrit Sarla commentary on this great poem with a lucid and highly commendable Gujarati translation of the same in which the spirit of the original work is so splendidly kept up. Muni Shree Hemendrasagarji has very beautifully traced the history of the poet Sobhan and thrown considerable light on contemporary Jain thought
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