The quadrangularity from the base to the neck and even to the top, according to it, characterizes the art style, and the quadrangular base rising from the neck to the top in an octagonal form in the case of the fe style differs in the upper portion being round in the a style. These definitions, though "brief and convenient indications" of different styles, are as imperfect on the very face of them as anything that ever could be.
One obvious inference that emerges from such scanty definitions is that these three styles have only a quadrangular ground plan, and that there is nothing like चतुरश्रायत्त, वृत्त, वृत्तायत, अष्टाश्र and other forms so far as the ground plans of structures go. How preposterous it is to make others believe that Indian Architects who are well known for their original conception and exquisite workmanship knew nothing of those other forms cf ground plans of buildings both secular as well as ecclesiastical. It may be emphasised that such "brief and convenient indications" of their differences for the recognition of styles cannot but be misleading.
I have been trying to find out the exact interpretation of these styles from different manuscripts of ang and fer for over two decades and have been able to put my finger on the right chord for these definitions only now though not to the fullest extent desired.
The Southern School of Architecture is not so markedly descriptive (so far as the printed works are concerned) in this comparative treatment as the Northern School. The age of Bikaner by Devi Singh enumerates as many as five styles but is silent as regards their differentiating characteristics समगङ्गणसूत्रधार, a work of the eleventh century, has more styles than the above; but, as a complete manuscript of a is not available, material light cannot be thrown on this question of styles by its author.
Works of statement of styles goes.
a, too, are silent so far as the comparative
aad zalafă au marfa farausfà: 1 स्तूपिकात्रय संयुक्तं द्वयं वा चैकमेव वा ॥ 46 ॥ चतुरश्राकृर्ति यत्तु नागरं तत्प्रकीर्तितम् । मूलाग्रं वृत्तम कारं तदनुतायतमेव वा ॥ 47 1 ग्रीवादि (स्तु) विपर्यन्तं युक्तयाथ तयुगाश्रकम् । स्याद्वकं तद्वेसरनामकं भवेत् ॥ मूलाग्रा स्तूपपर्यन्तं चाष्टाश्रकं वा षइश्रकम् । तदयं चायतं वापि ग्रीवस्याधो युगाश्रकम् ॥ 49 ॥ पूर्ववच्चोर्ध्वदेशं स्याद् द्राविडे परिकीर्तितम् । समाश्रकशिखायुक्तं चायामे तच्छिलात्रयम् ॥ 50
48 #
3. faet 16th ra, V. 40-80.
--Trivandrum Sanskrit Series, No. LXXV,